Back to Basics welcomes referrals for Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, MedX Spinal Rehabilitation, Laser Therapy Pain Relief and more.

We work closely to co-manage cases with many health professionals including General and Specialty Physicians, and Family Practice Medical Doctors, Pain Management Specialists, Orthopedic Surgeons (Pre/Post Surgical Rehabilitation), Neurologists, Midwives and Doulas, Podiatrists and even other Chiropractors and Acupuncturists. Back to Basics doctors provide a comprehensive work-up and can forward our detailed digital medical records to other providers upon patient request.

Additionally we accept most Personal Injury cases and have a reliable referral network of professionals should your patient require additional assistance (ie. Personal Injury Attorney representation).

Our Commitment:

Our greatest concern in the face of today’s “over-managed” and highly “specialized” health care system is the communication breakdown between patients and their growing list of health care providers. Back to Basics Health and Wellness is committed to providing you and all referring health care professionals with prompt and thorough initial and progress reports, which we feel are vital to the success of any treatment program. Our MedX cervical and lumbar strength equipment also provides an objective and defensible measure and report of patient base-line and final spinal strength, useful for personal injury documentation.

Our beautiful facility is conveniently located in the heart of Newport Beach with easy access from the 55, 73 and Pacific Coast highways.

We encourage an open line of conversation between your office and ours and Back to Basics doctors are always open to discussing how we may be of assistance to your patient’s recovery.